My birthday was good. I got my oil changed, did laundry, got some phone calls from people, Carson baked me a cake, and I think I got the whole gallery for photos figured out. I would like it better if I could embed the gallery into my page but over time I might figure it out. 

I almost gave in and brought back my Facebook. I am going to try to post something on here everyday. Most of the time it will not be as boring as this. A few ideas I have are picking a song and telling everyone how or why it means something to my life. What I mean by that is when an artists writes a song they do it because it has meaning in their life. For the most part it is easy to find out why they wrote it just by searching the internet, but if you are like me the song has a different meaning to you based on your own life experiences. I don't think I would ever run out of songs. I could also do the same thing with tv show, movies, or even YouTube videos. 

One of these days I may get back into making YouTube videos, but who knows if I will. If I do I will also share them on here. If for some reason you read any of my posts. Let me know. That could be by a text or even leaving a commit. I am kind of curious to find out if I am the only one who gets on her or if others do to. 

Well until next time.


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